The Point At Which Change Occurs

We use an established, evidence-based process to find those drivers to faster adoption of low emissions buildings.

With each program we focus on a specific decision maker to make it easier for them to choose a low emissions building.

We’re making it easier for people to make good decisions when it comes to buildings. Because these decisions impact our lives in countless ways—and for many years into the future. 


Who Are You?

There is a growing number of people who are investing themselves in ways large and small to reduce emissions and protect the systems that feed and sustain us, people who possess courage and conviction.

Are you one of them?  

Are you a person who takes action or who sits on the sidelines?

Do you believe that it’s necessary to immediately adopt measures that match the scale and urgency of the crisis?

Are you looking for specific steps that you can personally take to sharply reduce emissions?  

Asthma, Savings Rates, CO2 Emissions

Erase 40’s mission is to develop initiatives that result in the widespread adoption low emission, climate-safe buildings.

Switching to zero energy buildings may be one of the easiest, fastest and least costly ways to greatly reduce carbon emissions around the world.

Buildings are responsible for approximately 40% of all carbon emissions in the U.S. and globally, but a switch to this low carbon building technology can reduce this number drastically. 
There are other benefits too.

Reduced exposure to air pollution. Lower their monthly energy and repair costs. Reduced asthma rates. Higher savings rates. Fewer children growing up in noisy and polluted environments. Reduced financial stress for low income populations.

When I first heard Erase40 describe their approach to this market, my only response was ‘how can I help?’ The industry requires this type of thinking.
— Luke Langhals, UltimateAir
The skilled work Erase40 is doing to facilitate an improved understanding by key stakeholders and consumers of high performance building products is having a tremendous impact on the growth of high performance building in the United States.
— Brad Begin, Alpen